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{{ get_item_name(item.item_id, item.item_type) }}
Type: {{ item.item_type}}
For {{ item.days}} days
Date: {{ dateISO_toUS_format( }}
Quantity: {{ item.quantity}}
Holster: ${{ parseFloat(holster_rent).toFixed(2)}}/day
Amount: ${{ ((calculate_item_amount(item.item_id, item.item_type, item.days) * item.quantity) + ( (item.item_type === 'spray' && item.holster) ? ( parseFloat( (holster_rent * item.quantity) * item.days) ) : 0 )).toFixed(2)}}

Contact / Payment Information

master card  visa  american express
Please provide the zip or postal code associated with your credit card.
If the card holder will not be there, provide the name of one of the guests.
Bear spray terms and conditions
Cooler terms and conditions

Thank you for ordering

Your order ID is: {{ order_id }}.

Below is your order summary.

{{ get_item_name(item.item_id, item.item_type) }}
Type: {{item.item_type}}
For {{ item.days}} days
Quantity: {{ item.quantity}}
Holster: ${{ parseFloat(holster_rent).toFixed(2)}}/day
Amount: ${{ ((calculate_item_amount(item.item_id, item.item_type, item.days) * item.quantity) + ( (item.item_type === 'spray' && item.holster) ? ( parseFloat( (holster_rent * item.quantity) * item.days) ) : 0 )).toFixed(2)}}

Bear spray/Cooler can only be picked up, and dropped off, in West Yellowstone, Montana. West Yellowstone is located at the west entrance to Yellowstone National Park, which is the busiest entrance to Yellowstone.

You will be given pick up and drop off directions by email, shortly. Our office is very conveniently located, approximately one mile (1.6 km) from Yellowstone, on the main road to Yellowstone.